Monday, October 8, 2012

Bethlem Star New Proofs for God's Existence

Bethlehem Star: New Proof of God's Existence? Copyright 2010 Gary Woodroffe

Beyond remarkable, attorney and law professor Rick Larson goes beyond description by visually demonstrating what the Magi saw when they began their journey toward Bethlehem, when they recognized by signs in the heavens that something remarkable had occurred 2000 years ago when Jesus Christ of Nazareth was born. Larson humbly begins the story by just saying his young daughter wanted a Christmas decoration outside the house on Christmas, but after years of research he discovers the universe was designed as a precision masterpiece, from the beginning of creation, where the heavens, stars, sun, moon, calendar and prophetic scripture intersected with eclipses on the birth and death of Jesus Christ, but also intersecting with the precision mathematics of the computer software that NASA uses to precisely calculate their space shots.

No Talking Heads The irrefutable connections between science and scriptural references to the books of Isaiah, Revelations to the foundations of mathematics used by the finest minds in history go beyond apologetics arguments to the realm where these demonstrations correlate scripture and scientific astronomy based on precision mathematics used by NASA.

Visual presentation Larson rolls back the view of the sky to the precise time, date and location to where the Magi would have stood in ancient Persia when they began their journey to Bethlehem; however, Larson provides a scriptural historical tapestry of insights to show the discernment of what made these -wise men- wise, why the began their journey and when, that they recognized the times and seasons according to God's demonstration of His stellar calendar where his precise calendar intersects with scripture and mathematics; all formulated at the Genesis of the universe. More New Proofs for God's Existence Cosmological proofs, string theory and Quantum physics are a few of the arguments explained by Fr. Robert Spitzer, President of Gonzaga University. Spitzer has authored several books on business ethics and taught honors Quantum physics as well as studied all over the world.

Recent books championing agnosticism or atheism omit or ignore the considerable evidence for theism uncovered in both physics and philosophy over the past four decades. New Proofs for the Existence of God responds to these glaring omissions. From universal space-time asymmetry to cosmic intersections with the intelligent design of reality, Robert Spitzer systematically, logically presents a wealth of evidence addressing string theory, quantum cosmology, mathematical thoughts on infinity, and more. This fascinating and stunning collection of evidence provides solid grounding for reasonable and responsible belief in a super-intelligent, transcendent, creative power standing at the origins of our universe. About the Author Robert J. Spitzer, S.J. is president of Gonzaga University, Spokane, Washington. His other books include The Spirit of Leadership, Healing the Culture, and Five Pillars of the Spiritual Life.

Now for the Real Dilemma If these two men are incorrect, that says that these two highly educated and reputable men as college professors are bumbling fools, teaching fallacy. In that conclusion, that says that those misguided believers who follow their intelligent, loving creator have squandered their time on earth forsaking a life of purposelessness for a life of misguided purpose.

-However, if they are correct, then this intelligent creator God, can support no contradictions to His character, that His character must be flawless, Supreme enough to design this great universe more precise than the finest watch with His purposes programmed into His calendar with accountability of men built in.

If accountability is required, then no backroom court deals, bribes, slick attorneys or flim flam will come before this God who must require Justice for every one of His laws we violate. This God who loves us unconditionally, knew we will stand before Him naked so he provided a way where He reached down and came like us - a man in the form of Jesus Christ, this messiah whom the Magi recognized 2000 years ago. If they, from Persia recognized His arrival, do we?

Our good works won't suffice or save us any more than a defendant in court can argue that he hasn't killed anyone, when he is charged with a crime of theft. If the devils know that he exists and they tremble, then now is the time to accept the payment Jesus Christ of Nazareth made for our sins. If we're wrong, we're simply misguided, but if we're right then to choose contrary to His way of escape from eternal fiery punishment means eternal torment.

If you're at this crossroads, He gives you the correct answer to this choice in the book of Deuteronomy: -Choose Life-. Jesus said -I am the truth, the way, the life-. Just ask, it's the free gift of salvation.

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