Thursday, November 29, 2012

Affiliate Compensation Disclosure - New Ftc Guideline Effective Soon

Affiliate Compensation Disclosure is one of several new guidelines that the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) will bring on line on December 1, 2009. According to the FTC, "blogs and websites with 'material connection' (affiliate links) must include an Affiliate Compensation Disclosure on the sites." This new rule will affect everyone who is an internet marketer, blogger or website business owner in the U.S. who has affiliate links on their sites.

While the new FTC Guides will be put in place to protect consumers from fraudulent claims and misleading advertising, it still may be costly for an innocent blogger or hapless website owner through fines and sanctions levied by the FTC. While the old adage "caveat emptor"(let the buyer beware) may now be a thing of the past with this new FTC ruling, the blogger or website owner with affiliate links will need to be cautious and protect their interests. The new adage may well become "caveat venditor" (let the seller beware).

Some questions the blogger and website owner need to ask:

1. Is there a way for a blogger or website owner to protect themselves from the new FTC Guides? The choice would be to consult an internet lawyer or use a software program to generate the needed legal forms.

2. Are there other forms that are needed on a blog or website other than the Affiliate Compensation Disclosure Statement? Yes. They should also have Terms and Conditions of Use, Privacy Policy, Anti-Spam Policy, External Links Policy, Earnings Disclaimer, Affiliate Agreement, and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Notice.

3. Where can the forms be located? An internet lawyer can be consulted or a software program can be used to generate the forms.

4. Why use a software program? Cost would be the main reason.

5. What software program can be use? One program is The Affiliate Compensation Disclosure Package created by Michael Young that addresses the protection issue from the FTC ruling.

Michael Young is well qualified to offer this software solution as he is an Internet Lawyer and President of the Internet Attorneys Association LLC. He also created a software suite called the Website Legal Forms Generator that includes seven legal forms (mentioned in question 2) that each internet marketer should have on their websites. Currently, the Affiliate Compensation Disclosure Package based on the new FTC guidelines is offered as a bonus in the Website Legal Forms Generator software. This bonus can be discontinued at anytime.

How can the forms be put on a website? The programs can be accessed by installing Website Legal Forms Generator on a computers desktop, clicking the icon, answering a few questions and clicking the generate button to prepare the documents. Website Legal Forms Generator also produces a reference guide to answer questions about use and installation of the software. They offer help with any question that is just an e-mail away. It comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. The Affiliate Compensation Disclosure legal form is a separate form and may require different set up options.

The new FTC policy is coming! The choice is to hire an internet lawyer or use a software program like the Affiliate Compensation Disclosure Package and
Website Legal Forms Generator.

Note: This is not legal advice. To address legal issues consult your internet lawyer.

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