Thursday, November 29, 2012

Daily Kos, Factcheck And Snopes Or How To Vet A

Daily Kos, Factcheck And Snopes Or How To Vet A Presidential Candidate

Because of the Supreme Courts refusal to hear the cases put before them after conferencing them the speculation about Obamas missing documents including his signed birth certificate from the state of Hawaii, the mystery grows, the intrigue is compelling and the arguments have become the most volatile on the web.

In the absence of judicial intervention all the questioners and petitioners have only one avenue of recourse and that is to keep plugging away. With new cases arising and old cases still pending the latest thrust is to approach legislators with the question.

Often overlooked is the simple wisdom used in the logic of both the main stream media and the naysayers in general. In fact the very premise the naysayers are basing their argument on should be turned on them to be most effective. What is that argument?

If the main stream media completely ignores the whole matter it looks like it is no more than the ranting of a few conspiracy theorists and discontented blogospherians. It is a way of saying that the internet hasnt a clue and bloggers are just blabbermouths to start with so how could they possibly approach the dignity and acceptability of the of the msm? This idea should be set against the pompous for the greatest effect. That argument goes like this.

It was not the Supreme Court that vetted Obama, not the state courts, not the election commissions, not the attorneys general, not the legislature, not the DNC and not the Hawaii Office of Vital Statistics. Just who did vet Barack Obama? You guessed it, the internet!

The document Obama and the DNC offered which is now alleged to be fraudulent was posted only to the internet. The Daily Kos may be the high holy blog spot for space mountain type ego-centric wordsmithing, foul language and liberal blather but it is not the Supreme Court. Snopes and Factcheck are pretty close neighbors to the Kos. Regardless of who owns these sites they are merely more of the same; the internet!

When the msm, the DNC or anyone else tries to portray the Obama documentation activists as a group of conspiracy enthusiasts limited to the undisciplined ravings of the internet it is truly the pot calling the kettle black.

Nothing significant about Obamas past has ever gone beyond the internet. Should he or his ka-zillion swaggering adorers be surprised that some Americans are now asking for much more than that? Havent they noticed that those who are now raising the question of Obamas eligibility are only reporting on the internet they are not asking the internet to settle the issue. Thats more than weve gotten so far!

I am not a legal expert or well versed constitutionalist but Im certain that the vetting of presidential candidates was never assigned by any law of this land to the internet. It was Barack Obama who showed his documents to the world on a medium that shows countless hours of videos where people try to jump off buildings on to a watermelon or swallow rubber duckys to entertain the blithering. Should we take them seriously, should we take him seriously?

I will not callously insult the fine internet sites that exist by lumping them all in the same category. What I must do is remind those seeking the truth that if it is the only medium you now have to get to the truth until someone in our legal system catches the drift, so keep holding the line and know that millions of us are counting on you.

Just when all hope seems gone the tide has begun to change. Obamas naivet in foreign affairs is looking more Carter-ish and his ability to swing votes in the bailout battle makes him look weak at home or at the least too inexperienced as many have sagely warned.

Then along comes Guantanamo judge Col. James L. Pohl who recently rejected the presidents request to halt the proceedings of the military tribunal being conducted to prosecute terrorism suspects. Kudos to the Colonel! Maybe he will embolden the squeamish Supremes and other judges to re-think their refusals to let the matter be answered once and for all.

Until Obama offers more than an internet vetting of his documents those who are now forced to air their grievances and questions only on the web should not be the least bit dismayed. They are doing no better or worse than Barack Obama even without the msm and an entourage of entranced worshippers.

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